Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Two weeks to go!

In two weeks today, our group of 8 will be making there way to the airport, to depart on the inaugural Global Schools Programme to Zambia. What thoughts do the group have at this stage - excitement? Nervousness? Both?
Watch this spot for the daily blog from the teachers as we discover the realities of life in Mumbwa, Zambia and what it is like to be a teacher in Mukupi, Shimbizhi or Nangoma schools।


Karlene said...

Getting excited now. What has felt very surreal is becoming a reality as time whizzes by. Every day students are approaching me asking about the trip and asking if they can help when I get back.

Ms Wilson said...

Only 18 hours to go... getting excited eventhough it doesn't seem real YET!
Haven't packed to I had beeter get moving see you all on at the airport.